I was not surprised recently to read that the number of disabled people in politics is extremely low and this does need to be addressed if we are to have a clear and true voice within our political system. I am sure that if you were to ask the everyday man in the street to name a disabled politician their answer would be either David Blunkett or Gordon Brown.
Why are so few disabled people actively involved in politics?
On current figures, the House of Commons would need to have at least 65 disabled elected representatives to truly reflect our society. However, those standing for election in local or national elections do not have an obligation to disclose a disability.
In research conducted by University of Plymouth and its elections centre, surveys in 2008 and 2009 showed very low numbers of disabled people – it even dropped in 2009! Their research showed that in 2008 out of 1,000 local election candidates only 2.8% described themselves as “permanently sick or disabled. This figure reduced in 2009 to just 1.3%.
Is it possible for disabled people to be included more within our political system? And if so, how?
Well at last the Government are looking to change this and have implemented The Access to Elected Office for Disabled People project which includes plans for a £1m fund to help disabled politicians meet costs. All political parties will be encouraged to improve their disability policies and to work closely with the Local Government Association, and disabled organisations to develop a cross-party network of disabled councillors and MPs. It is hoped that these will become role models for aspiring candidates.
David Blunkett has said "Obstacles arise out of fear or ignorance of disability, people not knowing what is possible or how best to help," he says, "with occasional paternalistic blips where individuals have been disquieted by the thought that someone with a major challenge could work not just on equal terms, but succeed in the same professional sphere that they are in. Much of this is covert rather than overt."
Lady Jane Campbell, a wheelchair user, says we need more imaginative ideas for overcoming problems. "Many disabled people would want to get out on the street and knock on doors and canvass but, for some, like me, it would be impossible. It might be that we find other ways of engaging the public." She further states “If you can change hundreds of years of tradition you can do anything, and we do need to change to include disabled people because it's not a democracy if we don't."
There is no doubt that disabled people need to be more engaged in our political system but the reality is that there is no short-term solution. Prejudices still exist largely within our society and until these fundamental attitudes are changed than the voters will just not be there in large enough numbers to make real differences.
So let’s get our message across – we want involvement, we can have involvement, we just need to make it happen!