Wednesday 10 September 2008

Doggy Poo!

This has really irritated me over the past few days in that an inconsiderate dog - or should that be dog owner - keeps leaving his packages all over the street outside my office. Apart from the disturbance to members of the public using the road, it is of particular distress to me as a disabled person, a wheelchair user, as I have to navigate around these "blobs". I was thinking "do you often see a human being crouching down in the middle of the street and depositing their waste - apart from Paula Radcliffe that is". Shouldn't it be the same for dogs/dog owners. Today, I contacted my local council to complain about this and I am really unsure how seriously they took this matter. I suppose I will be waiting weeks and weeks before something is done!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did you get any response from the council? They should follow this up. After all people can be fined for allowing their dogs to foul. Maybe you should set up some CCTV footage to find the guilty culprit. It's not just your street that has this problem. It seems to be that this problem is increasing when actually it should be decreasing!